Tank Accessories
Couplings are available in sizes ranging from 1/2" to 8" and can be installed anywhere on the shell or the heads.

Flanges are available in sizes from 1" to 24" and will be permanently bonded to the tank wall at any location on the shell or heads as needed.

Manways provide an access point to your tank at your convenience, and are available in a vast number of sizes. They range from a 18" manway to a 36" manway.

Palmer Mfg. can supply the ladder for your tank or we can install brackets for you to attach your own ladder. All ladders conform to OSHA's standards for ladders and walkways.

All tanks can be mounted on steel cradles if desired or the tank can be manufactured to mount to existing cradles or piers.

Tie downs or anchor lubs are very important when it comes to anchoring your tank. The type of lug depends on many variables; diameter, overall height, wind load, and seismic zone.

Level Indication
Palmer Mfg. has several different ways to show the level of the contents in your tank. These range from the simplest of calibration strips that are integrated into the tank wall with a sight glass, to the complexity of gauge boards to give an electronic readout.

Lift Eyes
Lift eyes are an integral part of the tank, and are carefully placed to ensure that your tank is loaded and off-loaded safely.