Fiberglass Horizontal Tanks
Like a Palmer vertical fiberglass tank, the horizontal tank is constructed in the same manner. The ends are domed or dished to provide a better distribution of weight and added strength. The horizontal tank can be mounted on carbon steel, concrete or polyurethane foam filled fiberglass cradles. Unless otherwise specified or unless site locations require otherwise, Polyurethane foam filled cradles are considered standard on fiberglass tanks. They are glassed to the tank.
We recommend two (2) cradles for lengths up to 20 feet, three (3) cradles for 25 to 35 feet and four (4) cradles for over 35'. The number of cradles is also dependent on the weight of the liquid being stored and whether the specific gravity is high or low. Underground fiberglass tanks have exterior ribs affixed for added strength and rigidity. Ribs can also be added to above ground tanks if the liquid weight or seismic zones require them. This does not pose a problem for the mounting of cradles, as the cradles will rest between the ribs. For a detailed look at rib for a fiberglass tank, click here. Underground horizontal tanks have dished ends and will also have exterior ribs for support and ridigity. Most capacities are figured for a straight shell; dished heads are usually not figured into the capacity of the tank. If the size of tank you need is not listed, please consult the factory for more details.